
Course not available course
from 20 to 60 training hours

Graphic Design Courses

Graphic design courses, which are a set of courses through which a person can learn…

Course not available course
24 training hours

The foundations of persuasion and influence on others

Through this course, you will learn about the concept of persuasion and its types, the…

Course not available course
18 training hours

Techniques of dealing with adolescents

Wrong practices.. and important steps.. and positive messages.. and other things that a teenager needs…

Course not available course
20 training hours

Effective Negotiation Skills

In our daily lives, we are subject to many constant bargains and negotiations, which requires…

Course not available course
16 training hours

Estimating priorities

General Objective: To provide participants with the information, skills and directions needed to manage time…

Course not available course
20 training hours

Meetings Management

The objective of the program is to develop the skills to organize and manage meetings…

Course not available course
16 training hours

Conflict and change management

This training course introduces to you the concept and management of change for organizations and…

Course not available course
22 training hours

Team building and management

Teamwork is one of the secrets of the success of organizations, and the ability to…

Course not available course
20 training hours

Strategies for developing thinking skills

Modern strategies for developing cognitive skills are practical applications, simulating the reality of security ,…

Course not available course
24 training hours

The Art of Presentation and Dialogue

Objectives: Getting rid of hesitation and fear of speaking in front of the public /…