
The latest articles written by the press about the work of director Hamad Youssef Al-Nouri

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The continuity of the program for more than a year and still achieves very high follow-ups

Since the launch of the program more than a year we continue to maintain the presentation of a program of a worthy status worthy of Kuwait TV.
He added: Whoever does not thank people does not thank God, the continuation of the program for more than a year and still achieves very high follow-ups.
About the reactions of the viewers, Al-Nouri stressed: The words of flattery and guidance that we read in the local press and social networking sites are the increase that drives us to continue creating, we do not claim perfection, but are confident that Kuwait TV can provide specialized programs comparable in quality to what is offered in international programs in channels related to the world of plant and animal.

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“Rahia al-Ayyam”.. Real stories that have influenced the course of history

As part of his continuous efforts to leave his own imprint, especially in the field of drama, the young Kuwaiti director Hamad al-Nouri is confronted to lead the series “Rahi al-Ayyam”, written by Mashari Hammoud al-Amiri, and produced by Kuwait TV, al-Nouri said: The work is heritage and includes interesting events, it deals with an important period of time in the history of Kuwait, highlighting human relations, customs, traditions and the interdependence between families, parents and neighbors in that period, realizing: for the first time in the history of Gulf drama, a series dealing with the four most important periods of time in the history of the region is presented from 4 centuries ago, up to the 1960s, including real-life characters and stories that influenced the course of history. He pointed out that the team all endured the volatile climate during filming, and thanked them, praising their professionalism in embodying their roles accurately and perfectly to show the work in the satisfactory image of the viewers, and thanked the officials of the Ministry of Information for encouraging and supporting such works that introduce new generations to the customs and traditions of fathers and grandfathers, hoping that the series will win the admiration of all those who watch it on Kuwait TV.

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“Valley of children” is also a “Trend” and its viewership is high. Offers children important educational values other than other programs

«Valley of children» is also a “Trend” and its viewership is high, especially since it addresses the young children and offers them important educational values other than other programs, and here I must thank the assistant agent of the television sector Saud Al Khalidi, who supports us and always encourages us to continue this excellence, and thanks are continued to the team of the two programs who make a great effort to show in the best possible way to satisfy the viewers of Kuwait TV the ancient media edifice in the region and the Arab countries.
In another context, the young director revealed his upcoming dramas, saying: I soon have the series “Avenue 12” produced by Kuwait TV, and the team of authors is headed by the artist Abdul Nasser Al Zayer and will be in the way of “Sitcom” but with a new launch of its kind in the Gulf and in a way of education and luxury comedy, as well as prepare for a heritage series by the writer Mashari Al-Amiri

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“Rahia al-Ayyam”.. Unique work and bigger than the word competition

his new heritage series «Rahi al-Ayyam» and will it be shown in the next Ramadan or not? Al-Nouri replied: It will be shown, God willing, on Kuwait TV, where we finished all its stages in record time before the appearance of “Corona”, pointing out that the satellite screens in Ramadan this year will be full of outstanding work, not as some promote that it will be affected by the current epidemic crisis, He went on: There are a few dramas that have been affected because filming began late, and in return there are many works that started early, and we are among them, and accomplished to the fullest.
He added: The story of “Rahia al-Ayyam” is not one of the usual stories, and through it we will learn about important periods and exams and the successes of the people of Kuwait in their different spectrums before the constitution and oil, and positions painted in the history of recorded championships, we are now in dire need to review the glories and struggle and unite the Gulf to be a beacon in the face of any crisis we are exposed to, pointing out that the series participates in about 30 Gulf stars and produced special songs for him

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Hamad Al-Nouri looking for a solution to the problem of “Tawfik”

A new series entitled “Tawfiq”, which is the first production of “Super Star”, and I consider it a surprise, especially since the producing company is known for its long history, whether in directing or editing, and the work is a comedy that will be shown in the month of Ramadan and revolves in separate episodes with the participation of a large elite of the brightest stars and tells The story of a journalist who is exposed to a problem and searches every day for who caused it? By trying to find out why, we address various issues of interest to society.

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The series “After the End”: Young people face the phenomenon of sudden death

Since the days of the new TV series “After the End” we have finished filming the last scenes of the first season of this pioneering series of its kind in the field of Kuwaiti drama, which was broadcast globally since the beginning of last Ramadan through the “Tili” application, which is considered one of the most important International applications that provide viewers around the world with the most important modern and exclusive film and television works.
The series “After the End” is considered the first Kuwaiti TV series to be broadcast through this application worldwide, and the series consists of three seasons, and each TV season consists of 12 episodes.

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Ahmed Al-Aounan: Happy to participate in “Rahia al-Ayyam”, which dealt with important time periods in the history of Kuwait

“Rahi al-Ayyam” is written by Mashari al-Amiri and directed by Hamad al-Nouri, starring Ahmed Al-Aounan and: Jassim al-Nabhan, Maryam al-Ghamdi, Nour, Mashari Al-Balam, Sheila Sabt, Majid Mughreb, Abdulaziz Al-Sakirin, Abdul Rahman al-Salhi, Ahmed Benhassein, Mohammed al-Hamli, Abdullah al-Khader, Mohammed al-Sirfi, Tariq al-Nafisi, Abdulaziz Mendani, Khaled Al-Thuini, Yasa, Ali al-Cannon, and others, the series dealt with four time periods chronicling the history of Kuwait and the Gulf.
He took a real test of his abilities as an actor amid events full of surprises, happy to participate in “Rahe al-Ayyam”, which dealt with important time periods in the history of Kuwait.

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“After the End” is a bet on youth

The team of the TV series “After the End” has finished filming the last scenes of the first season of this pioneering work of its kind in the field of Kuwaiti drama, which is broadcast globally through the “Tili” application, which is the first Kuwaiti TV series to be broadcast through this application globally

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«Battle of Bridges» documentary filmed with cameras that have never been used in any television in the region

And about the details of his new film, Al-Nouri told «News»: Commissioned to carry out a documentary about the “Battle of bridges” and its late leader, God willing, Major General Salem Massoud Srour, which is considered one of the most important national military epics carried out by the Kuwaiti army on August 2, 1990, The filming of some of the film’s scenes was carried out with technologies and cameras equipped with modern and sophisticated cinematic lenses and lighting that have never been used in any television in the region, which is a quality transfer out of the ordinary and a distinct precedent for Kuwait TV.
He continued: The film witnessed representative scenes, where the process of searching for actors to embody some roles, especially since the writer Dakhil al-Nabhan addressed the task of writing the script and dialogue, and took over the task of preparing Saleh al-Rahmi, and managing the production Adel Al Fadhli. On the basics he needs as a director in this type of documentary, he explained: The majority of works based on the history of time periods or historical events need film materials or images that serve the material presented on the screen because it will be considered archival material, and the fact that the “battle of bridges” has been going on for thirty years made sure to provide an output vision that is the closest scene of the real battle, so the stage of preparation and processing must be done on a novel according to a pre-prepared scenario.

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Al-Masaeed: “After the End” is a shift in my experience

A few days ago, the team of the new TV series “After the End” finished filming the last scenes of the first season of this pioneering series of its kind in the field of Kuwaiti drama, which was broadcast globally since the beginning of last Ramadan through the “Tili” application, which is considered one of the most important International applications that provide viewers around the world with the most modern and exclusive films and televisions.
After the End is the first Kuwaiti TV series to be broadcast through this application worldwide. The series consists of three seasons, each television season consists of 12 episodes.
The young artist, Dana Al-Masaeed, said in an exclusive statement to The series “Bad Al Nihaya” represents a shift in my artistic experience in terms of the contents and values ​​that he affirms. And also the real opportunity it gives to the younger generation, which constitutes a solo presence, in addition, of course, to the adult generation of stars and artists.

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Congratulations to Kuwaiti director Hamad Al-Nouri for joining the world of dramatic directing in the Gulf

We congratulate the Kuwaiti directors, Manaf Abdel and Hamad Al-Nouri, for joining the world of dramatic directing. Abdal shows him the series “My Eyes.” using chroma in his scenes, but congratulations to the directors

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Al-Nouri revealed that he had finished shooting a documentary

In this context, Al-Nouri revealed that he had finished filming a documentary film presenting the charitable and humanitarian face of Kuwait, and it was handed over to the TV, in preparation for its presentation next September, coinciding with the anniversary of the United Nations’ coronation of His Highness Prince Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah as a leader of humanity, stressing his gratitude for the directives and follow-up by Assistant Undersecretary for the Television Sector Saud Al-Khalidi and Director of Documentary and Religious Programs Department Osama Al-Makhial, who spare their efforts to support young cadres and enable them to implement huge artistic projects that highlight their talents and add to their balance in the nation’s memory, which helped push Kuwaiti television and art to occupy the leadership in all Gulf countries.