leave a mark

Director, Screenwriter

A conscious and aware person is keen to leave a trace of his existence as evidence of his life and a lasting impact. And that every moment of his life in this world and what he does in it of good or evil, we have opened and visited several projects from hospitals, schools and water networks for thousands of beneficiaries with a diverse elite of businessmen, donors and specialists in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, and we have also visited the homes of widows and orphans and met their needs. Through the above, we have searched for the impact in all its aspects, the impact on the giver, the impact on the recipient, what remains of the impact after them, and what is the feeling left during and after that, as well as the negative impact and how to avoid it.

: Mohammed Kandou
: HA Media Production
: Khaled Hussein
: Hussein Al-Anzi
: Abdullah Al-Anzi
: Hamad Yousef
: 2024
: Mohammed Abdulrahman Alshaya

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