Techniques of dealing with adolescents
Wrong practices.. and important steps.. and positive messages.. and other things that a teenager needs from parents.. for a teenager is the age between childhood and adulthood, and that is in the age period extending from the age of 13 to 25yo.
It differs in its beginning and end from one person to another and from one society to another, and according to gender, the female reaches maturity before a male
, according to the environment and circumstances surrounding the person. In this course, you will be able to: Get acquainted with the concept of adolescence and the concepts associated with it / Understand the different stages of adolescence / Determine the characteristics of each stage of adolescence / Proficiency in dealing with adolescents / Understand the needs of adolescents of both sexes / Infer the problems facing adolescents / Be able to manage adolescence successfully.
Themes: Building a strong personality for my teenage son / Motivation / Wrong practices that kill the motivation of your teenage son / Terms and concepts about motivation / Foundations for building motivation (5 steps) / Positive image / Five messages that the teenager needs to build his motivation / Five required dialogues with the teenager / Steps to encourage Children and their motivation / Reverence / Five touches / The embracing environment.
And also you will know the motivation / wrong practices that kill the motivation of your teenage / terms and concepts about
Motivation / Foundations for building motivation (5 steps) / Positive image / Five messages that a teenager needs to build motivation
He has / five dialogues required with the teenager / steps to encourage and motivate children
Note: The courses vary according to recent developments in their time and the target group of trainees
Number of hours: 18 training hours //$active_course?>