Motion relay
Course content
The sequence and sequencing of the scenario to be filmed or the rapport is one of the most basic things that must be taken into account in the field of television and cinema in particular, and the media in general. And knowledge of the racor increases the professionalism of the individual for the profession, whether he is an actor, broadcaster, director of photography, producer, director, etc., and a mistake in it often results in great material losses and a decrease in the required quality of work, whatever the type of this artwork, and certainly the opposite is true in the case of good knowledge of the racor and its control. And mastering it leads to quality in production and implementation, and indicates the efficiency of workers in this work, and of course saving material losses in the opposite
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Course themes
definition of racquet
Types of Racor
Duties of a Racor Officer
Important specifications that must be available in the Racor official
Stages of emptying the racquet
Work schedule and its types
general discharge
Unloading the Racor
post-discharge stage
Explanation and practical application of racor discharge
Course results
Knowledge of racor, its importance and types, with examples
How to set, transfer and write down the racor and deal with it
Increasing professional artistic culture in television and cinema
Target group
Those who wish to enter and become professional in television and film directing
Those who work in the field of television, cinema, and those working in the artistic community
Everyone who wants to increase artistic culture in television, cinema and the media in general
To register for the course
Number of hours: 2 hours 10 minutes //$active_course?>